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"Seeing Beyond Bipolar Stigma"
- J Ogwang
"The author's expertise and knowledge on the subject matter is incredible. This prowess and his excellent artistry made for a perfect reading experience. "
- Reader's Favorite 5 Stars

- J Michele
"He describes a mentor of his as 'An embodiment of creativity and the quest for enthusiastic discovery...' it turns out that Feingold can be described in these terms as well. Very highly recommended."
- Reader's Favorite 5 Stars

"An absolutely essential read for anyone with an interest in bipolar and how it affects either themselves or those around them."
- Reader's Favorite 5 Stars

- R Phillips
"Feingold's images are refreshingly unfiltered and aesthetically beautiful in form and composition. This combination is mesmerizing and, like all significant works of art they have the potential to transform the way we perceive and understand the human experience. "
- Manhattan Arts International

- G Ruhara
"An inspiring and
illuminating reading experience.
Highly recommended."
- Reader's Favorite 5 Stars

- R Tanveer
"I am in awe of David A Feingold and his artistic abilities. This man is capable of producing breathtaking artwork and can also explain his thoughts in vivid clarity. "
- Online Book Club 5 stars

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